
Free Sex Chat .us is all about providing adults on the web with the best place possible to chat for free with as many options to chat as possible. We are able to provide free chat room, forums and webcams by running ads on on our website.  You can install most ad blockers and they will block most if not all the ads on our website should you not want to see the ads we display. We are a dedicated group of adults that want to provide the best place on the web for adults to chat.

We do take requests and are always looking around the web for more chat features and options and if you see something out there we should be having here please let us know to take a look at it. We want everyone to know we are here to make sure the have a great time chatting and are here to help in anyway we possibly can to ensure you have just that. We are always looking for chat room moderators to help out when admins are gone so if you have any interest in helping moderate our chat room get in touch with us via the contact page with your username, thanks.